FAQ for staff & students

1. Why should I write blog posts for Blog and Log?

Blog and Log is easily searchable, by using the search field, or categories and tags (all in the right sidebar). We will use your name as a tag so in one single click you will be able to bring up a record of all your outreach activities. You will get credit for your outreach work and the resource will be useful for your CVs and grant applications.

Blog and Log amplifies your outreach activities and opens news avenues for feedback: if you have taken part in an outreach event, advertise your Blog and Log post and ask people to provide feedback or further questions via the comment field of the post.

2. What should I write about?

Blog and Log is about outreach activities of students and staff from the Institute of Integrative Biology and the School of Life Sciences. We are interested to hear about any science communication activities that you are organizing or participating into, whether those are events at a museum, blogging, visit to schools, outreach videos, etc. We are interested to hear about these whether they involved one particular member of the public, e.g. pairing with a member of Parliament, 50 members of the public, e.g. a SciBar talk or a visit to a school, or tens of thousands, e.g. a viral video.

3. How much should I write?

Up to you. The minimum is a couple of sentences with the date of the event, what happened and how many people were involved. There is no maximum. Pictures and videos are great (obviously).

4. How do I upload my post?

If you are a regular offender  regularly engaging in science communication activities, we will invite you as a Blog author and you will be able to directly upload and publish your posts. If you have a post ready and you are not (or not yet) an author, simply send your text and pictures to one of the blog editors (Raphael Levy, Fatima Silva, Louise Crompton and Rebecca Jones) and we will take care of it for you. As simple as this.

5. Any more question? Use the comment field below.

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